10:16 pm EST
So... How 'bout them Dodgers?
I knew I said something about updating more often... I'm sure I did, but I don't know what I said, or what planned to do about it. That stuff sort of got lost during finals last term. That, and a lot of my pride. Going from top-of-the-class in High School to middle-of-the-pack (almost EXACTLY middle) left my ego flapping in the breeze... a lot of projects got pushed to the backburner because of that.
So, anyways. Here I am, term two, almost midway through, and I'm taking things a lot more easily than previously. And you know what? If my mark has suffered for it, I more than make it up in the stress decrease. Case in point: I have time to throw this comic up. (Also, I have figured I'm pretty much where I was last term, marks-wise. Go fig, eh?)
All right, about the comic. This was drawn for me (I think how cutesy it seems is a joke directed at me... if so, I don't get it) by someone whose name I wish I could remember. Regardless of how many times her personal syllables are drilled into my skull, I always seem to misplace them somewhere. At any rate, thank you!
The story behind this: I was sitting in a computer lab, supposed to be studying for the Calculus midterm that night, so, of course, I was surfing webcomics. The artist of the above masterpiece looked over at my screen, and mentioned something on the order of "I've always wanted to start one of those, but I never got around to it". I then smiled and introduced her to someone whose webcomic space was nearly growing cobwebs from lack of use. I gave her this gag, and asked her to draw it for me. It took her all of two and a half minutes.
I Photoshop'ed the heck out of it, and it ends up like this. I hope you like it.
Plan for next update: We'll see what happens. No guarantees this time. All I know that I am definitely going to do is go to a Math Movie Marathon (M-cubed) tomorrow [features such features as Equilibrium, Cube, Cube 2: Hypercube, pi, and others (all of which, incidentally, I recommend to all of you. They're all mindtrips, but they're fun!)]
'till next we meet...
Feel free to comment: scriptedfate(at)
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